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Agronomics is a variable rate decision support system that connects researchers & farmers to help them create linkages with markets & agriculture research departments to adopt technological innovations.

The effective use of the application has become an essential tool for disseminating agricultural information to the farming community. From creating the plow to the global positioning system (GPS) driven precision farming equipment, humans have developed new ways to make farming more efficient and grow more food. 

Through this platform, we facilitate farmers to access markets through real-time data of Mandi Rates, Weather Forecasting, Location-Based Suitability, Crop Simulator, Soil Analysis, Image-Based Plant Analysis, Kissan Kollege, Agri-Calculator, Agripedia, Kissan Market.

We provide Agribusiness services such as Weather Forecast, Location-Based Suitability, Crop Simulator, Soil  Analysis, Image-Based Plant Analysis, and Agri. Calculator, Agripedia, Kissan Kollege, Mandi Rates, and Marketplace.

Climate is changing day by day, and there is a reduction in productivity due to irregular rainfall patterns and unfavorable climatic conditions.

We provide the current & following 16 days’ weather forecast using the weather forecast model. It helps farmers schedule their irrigation, pesticide, and fertilizer application timings with rainfall patterns.

Location-Based Suitability is a model that creates enormous potential for crop diversification and precision for enhanced crop productivity. That includes Land Characteristics, Topography, Land Use, Soil, and Water Analyses, Weather and Climate, Yield, and Profitability which can lead to making recommendations towards “What” should be grown, “Where,” and “When.”

Crop simulator is a crop growth model that predicts schedules for management practices, i.e., Irrigation, fertilizer, and pesticides, during different crop growth stages.

It provides information about timely irrigation, fertilizer & pesticide application for different stages of plant growth, from sowing to harvesting.
